Starbucks announces they will support Square Wallet

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My favorite coffee joint, Starbucks has just announced that early next month we will be able to pay with the Square Wallet. As if this weren’t cool enough; starting in August of 2013, we will be able to digitally tip the servers with a mobile app and Square Wallet. I don’t know about you – but who carries petty cash or coins on them these days? So this makes it super easy to pay for coffee and tip the service too!

This announcement comes from an agreement signed in August between Starbucks and Square. Starbucks invested $25million into Square while also pledging to support payments from the mobile Wallet app. This means that The United States will have about 7,000 stores throughout the country that will accept the new Square Wallet. Customers will also be able to use the app to locate the nearest Starbucks that is participating in the Square Wallet – obviously people need their coffee!

Starbucks made this announcement a few days after updating its own app that will support Passbook functionality in iOS 6. This app will allow customers to add virtual Starbucks cards and geotag their favorite stores. It definitely looks like there is a lot of heavy investment going into making mobile payments and it is certainly becoming a growing trend within the industry. Starbucks is just the first of many companies making this advance and is an example of the direction that many companies are heading.

Now, who’s up for a cup of coffee?